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Governor Polis Bans All Non-Essential/Elective Procedures


 This afternoon, Gov. Polis signed an executive order temporarily suspending elective and non-essential surgeries and procedures to preserve important medical equipment, like personal protective equipment and ventilators, needed to combat COVID-19. The executive order is in effect from March 23 to April 14, with the exception of rural and critical access hospitals. This includes all voluntary or elective surgeries or procedures, whether medical, dental, or veterinary.

Permitted surgeries or procedures are permitted when there is:

  1. A threat to the patient’s life
  2. A threat of permanent dysfunction to an extremity or organ system
  3. A risk of metastasis or progression of staging of a disease or condition or
  4. A risk that the patient’s condition will rapidly deteriorate if the procedure or surgery is not performed.

Read the full press statement here.

Read the full executive order here.

The state of Colorado is requiring any healthcare provider, not part of a hospital facility or business, who has PPE, ventilators, respirators and anesthesia machines to inventory supplies no later than March 26. More details will be forthcoming on how to submit the inventory to the state including potential exemptions for supplies that are required for the provision of critical healthcare services. The MDDS and CDA will let you know as soon as more information is available.

“As a state, we are looking at all possible solutions to ensure we are protecting the health and safety of Coloradans and minimizing the duration of the crisis,” said Gov. Jared Polis. “This is a coordinated effort with all state agencies and community partners to utilize every resource available during this difficult time to reduce the severity and duration of the crisis. Together, we will get through this.”


The Metro Denver Dental Society is a not-for-profit component society of the American Dental Association and the Colorado Dental Association.

The MDDS is an ADA CERP Recognized Provider. ADA CERP is a service of the American Dental Association to assist dental professionals in identifying quality providers of continuing dental education. ADA CERP does not approve or endorse individual courses or instructors, nor does it imply acceptance of credit hours by boards of dentistry. MDDS designates courses for the number of CE hours listed with each course. MDDS credits are approved by the AGD for Fellowship and Mastership credits.

Course Disclaimer: MDDS makes every effort to present high caliber speakers in their respective areas of expertise. MDDS courses are offered as information only and not as financial, accounting, legal or other professional advice. Attendees must consult with their own professional advisers. In addition, each participant must decide the merit and practicality of the material presented. The ideas and comments expressed during the courses are not necessarily endorsed by or are those of MDDS. MDDS warns attendees about the potential risks of using limited knowledge when integrating new techniques into your practices.