Achieving Greatness Through Teamwork

By: Janie Boyesen, DDS, DMSc
The 2023 Rocky Mountain Dental Convention (RMDC) is the hallmark event for the Metro Denver Dental Society (MDDS), and I am grateful to say it was a success! It was wonderful to witness the hard-earned results of countless hours and maximum effort. I am humbled by the dedication and hard work of both the MDDS team and the army of volunteers who turned ideas and plans into reality. I would like to extend a special thank-you to Dr. Kyle O’Donnell, the Chair of the 2023 RMDC – his tireless commitment made success possible. Seeing more attendees, hearing about the top-notch quality of all of the education sessions, seeing the vitality of the Expo Hall and witnessing new and renewed connections are what made this year a success to me.
Dr. O’Donnell is a new volunteer with MDDS, which is why I was so impressed and thankful he was up to the task. Working with him also allowed me to take a trip down memory lane to when I first started as a volunteer for MDDS fifteen years ago. I had just moved to Denver, and started my first “real” job, when my office’s neighbor, Dr. Charles Danna, a past MDDS President, asked if I would be interested in volunteering with the local dental society. I thought this would provide a great opportunity to meet people, so I said yes (not fully realizing what I had said yes to) MDDS was holding its Applied Strategic Planning meeting and needed a member-at-large to participate. Two days of targeted and facilitated brainstorming and goal-setting was eye-opening, to say the least. One of the goals established was to launch a premier learning center to offer members quality continuing educational opportunities. What was even more eye-opening was when those plans came to fruition. I had just come from an academic setting, where progress happens at a slower pace. Witnessing our vision come to reality within a few short years was amazing.
I completed a research fellowship as well as a certificate in Periodontology because I love learning and being in a classroom – I wanted to continue learning, so I started volunteering at RMDC. I began as an Exhibits Host, then as a Speaker Host. I also started volunteering with the CE Committee for the newly formed Mountain West Dental Institute (MWDI), our dental education center that had emerged out of Applied Strategic Planning. Eventually I was asked if I would be interested in running for the Executive Committee of MDDS.
Volunteering with MDDS has allowed me to learn so much about what happens in dentistry outside of the office – the business of dentistry, the politics of dentistry, the regulation of dentistry. It has allowed me to meet and befriend people I never would have met had I stayed within the confines of my office. And, it has made me a better leader within my practice – I apply what I’ve learned from board meetings to my staff meetings.
The Rocky Mountain Dental Convention is the result of teamwork united by a vision. Likewise, we can achieve so much with our profession, and for our profession, by working together to keep dentistry the rewarding profession I know it to be. Mother Teresa said, “Together we can achieve great things.” I believe in organized dentistry now more than ever, and we can achieve great things for dentistry when we work together.
After the whirlwind of RMDC in January comes our next Strategic Planning meeting in February, and I am looking forward to it! The members of this group bring a wealth, depth and breadth of dental and executive experience. I am excited to be part of a team that will engender ideas to help our profession and our members “achieve great things.”