Members are permitted one complimentary mailing list annually upon approval by the MDDS team to announce a change of address(s), new associateship, etc. Members may purchase labels for profit-generating ventures for a reduced fee of $75.00. Non-members pay a fee of $280.00. Purchased labels or lists are for one-time use only.
We must know the purpose of list usage. Per MDDS policy, the mailing list does not include any email addresses. You are required to submit a sample of the brochure, letter, etc. for request approval. Please contact the MDDS team at (303) 488-9700 or membership@mddsdentist.com for more information.
Mailing List Options (printed and electronic versions available):
- Printed labels (Avery 5160)
- Pre-formatted label file (Microsoft Word, Avery 5160)
- Microsoft Excel file
- Comma Separated Value (CSV) file
Sort Options
- alphabetical
- zip code
- dental practice specialty

The Metro Denver Dental Society is a not-for-profit component society of the American Dental Association and the Colorado Dental Association.