The success of organized dentistry relies heavily on the commitment of its volunteers. Community volunteerism is important, and there is no shortage of ways to become involved. From taking a leadership role within MDDS or donating your time and services to someone in need, to serving on an MDDS committee or mentoring a future dentist, MDDS offers a variety of volunteer opportunities to fit your schedule and interests.
Join a Committee and Shape Your Profession
MDDS strives to ensure that it is meeting the wants and needs of its membership. As we grow and change, it is very important to have dependable and interested committee members to lead and guide us toward our strategic goals.
Please consider making a difference today in your association. We welcome your participation in serving as a member of one, or more, of the following committees. Please contact MDDS at (303) 488-9700 with your interest.
Applied Strategic Planning Committee
To create an effective planning process including a mission statement, a vision and the identification and prioritization of appropriate objectives and action plans.
– Create a vision and plan responsive to MDDS members’ needs and values.
– Create a proactive fiscal plan to include non-dues income that supports the goals and objectives of the Society’s strategic plan.
– Define and/or redefine the roles of the Standing Officers, the Board of Directors and committees to support the overall strategic plan.
– Provide a plan responsive to internal and external challenges in the dental profession.
Bylaws Committee
To ensure that the Constitution, Bylaws and Policies of the Society are updated and to provide all members the opportunity to provide input and participation. To provide that the Constitution, Bylaws and Policies are properly recorded and preserved to reflect the actions of the Society.
– Review annually the Constitution and Bylaws in order to ensure they are consistent with Society programs and policies.
– Annually present, if required, Amendments to the Constitution and Bylaws to the Board of Directors in accordance with the procedure outlined in Article IX of the Constitution and Article I of the Bylaws.
Continuing Education & Events Committee
– To provide clinical, technical, business and any other educational programming to enhance the dental profession’s knowledge and expertise professionally and personally.
– To foster relations with other healthcare organizations.
– To comply with the education goals and objectives as set forth in the Society’s strategic plan.
– Brainstorm ideas for continuing education research and modeling.
– Review research and needs assessment data and identify and select educational topics, speakers, locations, and formats that fulfill the needs of target audiences.
– Prepare and distribute marketing and promotional materials to target audiences.
– Scout speakers and/or facilitators who can meet audience educational needs.
– Make recommendations on speaker honoraria.
Finance Committee
– To assess the Society’s financial operations and to monitor its value and efficiency.
– To provide direction and monitor Society Investment Funds.
– Approve an annual budget of anticipated income and projected expenditures to be presented annually to the Board of Directors for board approval.
– Maintain and update The Accounting and Financial Policies and Procedures Manual.
– Make recommendations to the Board of Directors for non-dues income activities and changes in membership dues or other financial assessments.
– Review the Society’s Reserve Fund and Operating Fund policies and investment portfolio(s) and make investment design recommendations to the Board of Directors for approval.
– Meet and work in conjunction with the financial advisor on an ongoing basis.
Leadership Council
– To monitor the nomination and voting process for elections of the Society.
– To provide volunteer leadership training for the membership.
– To assist the Board of Directors in recruitment of volunteer leadership.
– Ensure that all offices of the Society are filled.
– Ensure that an independent company for collection and counting of the election ballots is hired prior to each election.
– Recommend volunteer leadership training programs for approval by the Board of Directors.
– Administer approved volunteer leadership training programs for the membership.
– Recruit volunteer leadership as approved by the Board of Directors.
– Provide recommendations to the CDA for Delegates and Alternate Delegates to the House of Delegates of the ADA in accordance with ADA and CDA bylaws.
Member Services Committee
– To obtain and monitor membership benefits and services that respond to identified needs of members.
– To obtain and retain the membership of every qualified dentist in the Society’s geographic boundaries.
– To inform members and non-members of the advantages of membership in the Society.
– To monitor the membership dues process and database activities.
– To provide networking opportunities through non-credit programs in order to promote personal growth.
– To enhance student awareness of the MDDS and its role in organized dentistry.
– To review proposals from dental educational institutions for preceptorship, mentoring and funding of educational advancement.
– Develop and oversee member benefits and services that respond to the identified needs of members including online continuing education.
– Identify and monitor trends and issues that affect membership recruitment and retention, particularly among under-represented segments, and encourage membership involvement throughout the Society.
– Encourage eligible and qualified members of the profession to become members of this Society and to maintain their membership.
– Enhance cooperation and communication of tripartite recruitment and retention.
– Educate members and prospective members as to all policies and information important to the practice of dentistry and acquaint them with the benefits derived from membership.
– Serve as a liaison to dental education institutions.
– Make recommendations to the Board of Directors regarding the disbursement of educational grants or scholarships.
– Educate students in the benefits of organized dentistry.
– Research and manage community outreach opportunities.
Rocky Mountain Dental Convention Program Committee
To provide clinical, technical, business and any other educational programming for the Rocky Mountain Dental Convention (RMDC) to enhance the dental profession’s knowledge and expertise.
To comply with the education goals and objectives as set forth in the Society’s Strategic Plan within the Board approved budget.
– Brainstorm ideas for RMDC continuing education research and modeling.
– Review research and needs assessment data and identify and select educational topics, speakers, location, and formats for the RMDC that fulfill the needs of target audiences.
– Select RMDC educational topics, speakers, locations, and formats that fulfill the needs of target audiences.
– Prepare and distribute marketing and promotional materials to target audiences.
– Scout speakers and/or facilitators who can meet audience educational needs.
– Make recommendations on speaker honorariums.
The Metro Denver Dental Society is a not-for-profit component society of the American Dental Association and the Colorado Dental Association.